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Lee'Ann at Social Vibe has been a great growth vehicle for us. She knows just how to write compelling posts and ads on fb, gives us a platform to keep in touch with our customers, and manages our adwords activity with Google. Our social media is active and gets results. She is always ready to be a sounding board for ideas and contributes, thoughtful, professional advice. Thank you Lee'Ann!

Advertise on Hulu

If you are considering streaming your company's ads on Hulu, you've come to the right place! 

Here are some quick takes on the benefits of leveraging advertising on Hulu:

3 in 4 Hulu viewers
would rather shop at a small, local business than at a large, nationwide store.

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Especially when it comes to restaurants (93%) and grocery stores (82%).


agree it helps generate awareness for the brand

agree it is a way to connect with the community

agree they get better or higher quality products

02-CoffeeShop-v02 Hulu.gif

55% of Hulu viewers
learn about new products from a small business via ads


More likely to purchase items from a small business after seeing an ad

Tend to buy from small businesses that showcase their company values in advertisements

Streaming Ads Drive Awareness and Action

Advertising on streaming TV lets businesses display their message alongside premium content and get in front of hyper-engaged audiences on the biggest screen in the home.


Ready to start streaming your company's ads on Hulu?

115+ Million




Are between the ages of 18-54


Are not on traditional TV


Median household



Never saw a brands ad on linear TV

$500 Ad Spend

Is the minimum ad budget to get started*

Source: comScore Custom Report, 6-Month Average, Jan 21 - Jun 21; MRI Cord Evolution Study, July 2021; Nielsen CTV Analytics Studies, 2020; Nielsen Streaming Ratings Data, 2021; 2021 July Cord Evolution Study, Base: Total Audience; Hulu Huddle, Small/Local/BIPOC Businesses, July 2021

*$500 minimum ad spend is the starting amount allowed by Hulu per campaign. This does not include ad set-up, management, or creative fees from Social Vibe Marketing.

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